Trump GOES NUTS After Kim Kardashian Betrayed Him for Jimmy Kimmel

Kim Kardashian West waigh in on whether she would ever run for office watch president it could happen I know that’s why Kanye loves him it’s the idea that anything can happen so can anything happen with uh I guess never say never but shaming problems for Donald Trump listen to what he said about a very pregnant Kim Kardashian in 2013 she’s gotten a little bit large I would say this I don’t think you should dress like you weigh 120 lbs the just surfaced interview aired on HL Showbiz tonight and an investigation by the LA Times reveals employees at Trump’s California golf course say he wanted to fire women who weren’t pretty enough and this video has surfaced showing her having sex on a risque Venezuelan reality TV show a lot of the things that are turning out to be perhaps true you were When Donald Trump called I I put a robe on I was in a robe going to be me so I’m like doing this shoot and I was I was like what do we do do I you know do I do this shoot don’t I do this new shoot and I did it and um yeah so Kim Kardashian and Donald Trump are back in the headlines with some major drama Kim who has been a longtime friend of trump is not endorsing him in the upcoming election and the reason is pretty surprising Trump is calling it frustrating Behavior why is Kim taking this stance and what exactly went down between them we’ll dive into all the details in this video but before we get started make sure to subscribe to our Channel us press time because every time you subscribe Trump loses a vote so to understand it better we will need to talk a bit about their history when Kim Kardashian West the queen of reality TV and social media waltzed into the White House no one knew quite what to expect it wasn’t just her signature style or her Entourage that turned heads it was the cause she championed and the unlikely Ally she found in then president Donald Trump the world watched in a mix of Fascination and bewilderment as Kim’s influence extended from the glitzy confines of Hollywood to the hallowed Halls of The West Wing Kim Kardashian’s first significant brush with political activism came in May 2018 when she met president Trump to advocate for the release of Alice Marie Johnson a 63-year-old woman serving a life sentence for a non-violent drug offense Kim inspired by Johnson’s story used her platform to bring attention to the case her meeting with Trump was nothing short of a media spectacle dressed in black Kim posed for an iconic photo with Trump in the Oval Office capturing a moment that was both somber and surreal the result of this meeting was nothing short of miraculous for Johnson just a week later Trump granted clemency to Johnson freeing her from prison after over two decades Kim’s statement released by the Criminal Justice Reform Group sh cut 50 highlighted her resolve when I looked at Alice I said we can’t just stop with one person we have to change the laws Kim’s initial success spurred her to continue her advocacy in September 2018 she returned to the White House for a meeting focused on Criminal Justice Reform this time the stakes were higher the atmosphere in the West Wing was charged not just with the usual political drama but with the Fallout from Bob Woodward’s new book B yet amidst the chaos Kim sat down for a listening session on clemency and prison reform Jared Kushner Trump’s senior adviser and son-in-law was a key player in these discussions Kushner whose own father had spent time in prison had a personal interest in reforming the system also present were CNN commentator van Jones lawyer Shan Hopwood and Leonard Leo of the Federalist Society but the spotlight was undoubtedly on Kim the discussion is mainly focused on ways to improve that process to ensure deserving cases receive a fair review said Hogan gidley White House Deputy press secretary Kim later tweeted it started with M Alice but looking at her and seeing the faces and learning the stories of the men and women I’ve met inside prisons I knew I couldn’t stop at just one it’s time for real systemic change Kim Kardashian’s advocacy did not stop at Johnson she began pushing for the release of Chris Young a man sentenced to life without parole for marijuana and cocaine possession it’s so unfair he’s 30 years old he’s been in for almost 10 years Kim said during an interview on the wrongful conviction podcast her passion for reform was palpable and her ability to leverage her celebrity status for serious causes was becoming increasingly evident the Trump Kim Dynamic a mix of admiration and frustration the relationship between Kim and Trump was complex on one hand Trump admired Kim’s ability to bring attention to issues that were often overlooked he saw her as a powerful Ally in his efforts to appeal to a broader audience particularly black voters on the other hand there was an underlying tension especially when it came to their political alignments in 2019 Kim attended an event in the East room of the White House speaking about the importance of Criminal Justice Reform Trump who had been initially pro- death penalty and hard-on crime seemed to soften his stance after hearing the stories Kim brought to his attention he went in being so pro- death penalty and really hard on crime to opening up his heart and realizing that so many people are inside that don’t deserve to be and have completely rehabilitated themselves Kim said at the time 100 Summit in New York Kim believed her storytelling had a significant impact on Trump she credited herself with convincing him to sign the first step act in 2018 a law that aimed to to reduce recidivism and improve prison conditions almost 30,000 people have been let out because of the storytelling of one woman that changed his mind she proudly stated in addition to her advocacy work Kim embarked on a journey to become a lawyer she enrolled in an apprenticeship program requiring 18 hours of legal work each week balancing her studies with her busy schedule Kim’s dedication was evident she often spent nights reading letters from inmates and working on legal research at the offices of Shakra cut 50 a Criminal Justice Reform Group her apprenticeship involved drafting memos reading transcripts and conducting legal research Jessica Jackson and Aaron haey co-founders of shock cut 50 provided guidance and support flying to Los Angeles to study with Kim despite her hectic life Kim found a deep sense of fulfillment in her legal studies I was never to like School honestly I hated it she admitted so the fact that I love it is so shocking to me as Kim’s influence grew so did the complexities of her relationship with Trump in a candid interview with author Ramin sauda Trump expressed his frustration with Kim he felt betrayed when she celebrated Joe Biden’s presidential victory with a tweet featuring three blue heart emojis I was disappointed in Kim Trump admitted I get along with her fine I got along with her then husband in fact he endorsed me and all that stuff Trump’s reference to Kanye West who had considered running for office himself highlighted the intricate web of relationships at play while Trump acknowledged Kim’s contributions to Criminal Justice Reform he couldn’t shake off the feeling of betrayal but with Kim I did a lot of prison reform that she couldn’t get done with anyone else then in order to be accepted by Hollywood she didn’t endorse me he lamented journalist Jonathan Carl’s book tired of winning offered a deeper glimpse into the Trump Kim Dynamic according to Carl Trump had asked for a quidd proquo from Kim in exchange for pardoning Alice Marie Johnson he wanted her to leverage her celebrity connections to bring football stars to the White House despite Kim’s efforts none of the players she approached wanted to be associated with Trump in the final weeks of his presidency Trump’s relationship with Kim soured further when Kim sought his help for another pardon Trump’s response was Curt hell no he reportedly told her you voted for Biden and now you come asking me for a favor the line went dead As Trump hung up on her marking a stark end to their collaboration despite the personal drama and political tensions Kim remained steadfast in her commitment to Criminal Justice Reform she continued to receive hundreds of letters from inmates and their families seeking her help Kim carved out regular letter reading time often curling up on a banket in her kitchen to sort through the stack one such letter led to her involvement in the case of dawn Jackson a woman convicted of murder under tragic circumstances Kim’s documentary Kim Kardashian West the Justice project highlighted Jackson’s story portraying her as a surv seual abuse who acted in self-defense Kim believed Jackson deserved to go to prison for her crime but argued that after 20 years she should be allowed to go home Kim’s ability to blend her celebrity status with her activism set her apart while some celebrities shy away from controversial issues Kim embraced them using her platform to push for Meaningful change her documentary on oxygen which chronicled the early release of four people convicted of serious crimes was a testament to her dedication Rod Isa the Executive Vice President of original programming at oxygen and E praised Kim’s Hands-On approach as an executive producer Kim was deeply involved in story selection hiring the showrunner and reviewing every cut and trailer the documentary was not a money-making Venture instead it represented Kim’s genuine commitment to Criminal Justice Reform Kim’s work has had a significant impact on the criminal justice system the first step act signed into law in 2018 was a major legislative Victory the law aimed to reduce recidivism and improve prison conditions and Kim’s advocacy played a crucial role in its passage almost 30,000 people have been leted out because of the storytelling of one woman that changed his mind Kim said proudly however Kim’s influence extended Beyond legislative victories her ability to humanize complex issues and bring attention to individual cases resonated with a broad audience she became a force to be reckoned with in the world of Criminal Justice Reform proving that celebrity activism could lead to real change as the 2024 election approaches Kim has made it clear that she will not endorse Donald Trump despite their past collaborations the political and personal tensions between them have reached a Breaking Point Kim’s decision is not just about politics it’s about staying true to her principles and continuing her fight for justice without the baggage of past alliances Kim’s Focus remains on her advocacy work she continues to push for the release of individuals she believes have been unjustly imprisoned and works tirelessly to reform the criminal justice system her legal studies are ongoing and she remains committed to becoming a lawyer to further her cause the relationship between Kim Kardashian and Donald Trump is a complex tale of collaboration controversy and conflict from their initial meeting in 2018 to the dramatic Fallout in the final weeks of Trump’s presidency their interactions have been marked by both success and tension Kim’s decision not to endorse Trump in the upcoming election is a significant moment in their story it reflects her commitment to her principles and her determination to continue her advocacy work without political distractions as Kim moves forward her impact on Criminal Justice Reform will remain a key part of her Legacy showcasing the power of celebrity activism to affect real change and so the tale of Kim Kardashian and Donald Trump with its twist turns and unexpected alliances continues to Captivate and Inspire in a world where reality TV often blurs with reality Kim’s Journey from Hollywood star to activist lawyer serves as a reminder that sometimes the most unlikely Heroes emerge from the most unexpected places Trump’s rocky relationship with the Kardashians doesn’t end with Kim his past interactions with Khloe Kardashian also resurfaced recently while hosting the reality show The Apprentice Trump publicly fired Khloe and reportedly used derogatory language to describe her fired Khloe Kardashian from the Celebrity Apprentice because she wasn’t hot enough this is not the reason he initially supplied uh he said I hate people who drive under the influence I really do when you told me that Kardashian had received a DUI I lost a little respect for you if I had known you were missing time away from the task because of a DUI you would have been never been on the show um but according to people who worked on the show uh that is not why he dumped her from it he called her a fat Piglet and the ugly Kardashian saying oh these are what the people said he basically just wanted to get rid of her editor in the show recalled he called her a piglet the editor said that Trump asked what is this we can’t even get the hot one in reference to Kardashian Sister Kim a Second Source at The Apprentice confirmed the incident using similar words to describe what Trump said about the Kardashians he said why don’t we fire Chloe she’s a fat piglet why did we get the ugly Kardashian I don’t know how I’m like how am I dragged into everything I have no idea how this happens I think for Trump or any human being to judge someone off looks alone or call someone that’s really an easy thing to say I mean it’s really easy to critique someone on looks I think that’s really immature and cruel and not very cool like it’s really uncool uncool don’t be unol don’t be uncool according to a hington post report he referred to Chloe as the ugly Kardashian and a piglet in a recent interview Trump acknowledged the lack of chemistry between him and Khloe we never got along great he admitted however he couldn’t resist commenting on her appearance stating she looks so much different today I saw her fairly recently better she looks better in a recent interview with social media star Logan Paul PA for his YouTube show impulsive Trump spoke about his youngest son Baron the 18-year-old who stands at an impressive 69 has often been the subject of media speculation especially regarding his height and public appearances Trump admitted to feeling somewhat overshadowed by his son’s height he’s a big boy 6’9 I couldn’t get him to play basketball I play soccer he’s a good athlete Trump shared beautiful boy Baron and he loves Mike Tyson big boy big boy huge he’s a big boy 6′ n 6′ n 6′ n my PDFs at 67 and I couldn’t get him to play basketball play soccer he’s a good athlete too good student boy for soccer but he’s 6′ n it’s insane good looking guy but he is a tall one there’s no question I say Baron I don’t want to take a picture next to you it’s uh neither do we crazy we got to make him a fighter maybe no no he also revealed his reluctance to be photographed with Baron jokingly stating I’m I say Baron I don’t want to take a picture next to you Baron’s towering presence isn’t the only thing that keeps him in the Limelight his mother Melania Trump has been notably protective of him especially during Trump’s legal troubles last month Trump became the first former or current US president to be convicted of criminal charges throughout this period Melania and baron remained conspicuously absent from the public eye a silence that did not go unnoticed melania’s protectiveness was evident when she and baron were last seen together at his high school graduation in West Palm Beach Florida this rare public appearance underscored her commitment to shielding her son from the harsh scrutiny of the public eye Kanye West once a staunch supporter of trump has had a tumultuous relationship with the former president West’s endorsement of trump was a significant moment in pop culture and politics symbolizing an unusual Alliance however this relationship soured dramatically following West controversial dinner with Nick Fuentes an anti-semitic white supremacist podcaster Trump distancing himself from the controversy claimed he had no idea who Fuentes was he eventually turned against West labeling him a seriously Troubled Man and advising him against joining politics deeming it a total waste of time as he can’t win adding to the web of controversies is the trial of Felix seder a former associate of trump seder is accused of helping aop aak man launder money through us real estate including condos at the former Trump Soho Tower this trial has brought renewed attention to Trump’s business dealings and his connections to Russia before the 2016 election seder who testified that he knowingly helped conceal the kazak businessman’s involvement in lucrative deals has a checkered past he served time in prison for a violent barfight and later pleaded guilty to racketeering for his role in stock swindles despite these transgressions seder played a crucial role in Trump’s failed attempt to build a skyscraper in Moscow making him a key figure in the investigations into Trump’s 2016 campaign our former president shared Father’s Day wishes as well he wrote Happy Father’s Day to all including the radical left degenerates that are rapidly bringing the United States of America into third world nation status with their many attempts at trying to influence our sacred court system into breaking to their very sick and dangerous well in that sleep too that’s what a sick individual that’s you know I’ll tell you something if anyone deserved a happy farter Day card it was him not me in his new book tired of winning journalist Jonathan Carl recounts an episode that further highlights Trump’s transactional approach to relationships according to Carl Trump demanded a quidd proquo from Kardashian in exchange for granting clemency to more prisoners he allegedly asked Kardashian to leverage her celebrity connections to bring football stars to the White House Kardashian eager to secure Justice for individuals she believed were serving unjust sentences attempted to fulfill Trump’s demand however her efforts were in vain as the player she approached declined unwilling to associate with Trump due to his toxic political reputation this failed Endeavor led to a heated exchange between Trump and Kardashian culminating in Trump hanging up on her when she reached out for further clemency efforts after he left office another celebrity who found herself entangled in Trump’s world is tennis Superstar Serena Williams during Trump’s recent criminal trial it was revealed that Williams was on Trump’s frequent call list in early 2017 this Revelation came from mateline westerhout a former executive assistant to Trump who testified about the former president’s frequent contacts when questioned about her interactions with Trump during an interview with the New York Times Williams was notably defensive she quickly shut down the line of questioning asserting her right to privacy I mean is this what this interview is about she retorted before listing other presidents she had spoken to including Barack Obama and the clintons the ever evolving Saga of Donald Trump continues to Captivate and confound from his strained relationships with the Kardashian Clan to his complex Dynamics with his youngest son Baron and the shadow of his business dealings looming large Trump’s life remains a whirlwind of controversy and Intrigue as he campaigns for a potential return to the White House these Revelations add yet another layer to the intricate tapestry of his public and private life whether these latest controversies will impact his political Ambitions remains to be seen but one thing is certain Donald Trump is never far from the spotlight that more good things are going to come out of our conversations do you have a list now of people that you might ask him to release from prison I do I’ve been working on is Melania on it that would be nice I love Melania I know that’s what we love Melania she needs to be freed in in the USA right now in the midst of a presidential campaign which is proving to be pretty divisive uh you’ve declared your backing Donald Trump I have nothing to say of him I am proud to announce my endorsement of Donald J Trump for president of the United States America is struggling and we need someone who knows what they’re doing to help us back up vote like your life depends on it or vote like your children’s lives depend on it because they do Lady Gaga also changed her Twitter banner and Avatar to a photo of herself wearing a hat with a vote button a recently surfaced video and an image showing Lady Gaga supposedly supporting Trump are currently breaking the internet what’s the reality Behind these viral posts and why are they causing such a stir for Trump in this video we’ll delve into the details and explore the history of their Feud but before we get started make sure to subscribe to us press time for the latest news updates in the in the world of politics and entertainment few figures are as outspoken and influential as Lady Gaga known for her powerful voice both on and off the stage Lady Gaga has been a fervent supporter of democratic causes and a vocal critic of former president Donald Trump as the 2024 election cycle heats up the tension between Gaga and Trump has once again come to the Forefront especially with the circulation of viral posts falsely claiming her endorsement of trump this narrative explores the history of Gaga’s political activism her unwavering support for Joe Biden Trump’s responses and the broader implications of celebrity involvement in politics he claims that he represents uh people who have be not unrepresented who haven’t had a voice I think what is most important is for us to try to decipher now what is real and what is not and uh what is honest and what is dishonest and be accepting of those things and not operating from Fear Lady Gaga’s political activism reached a crescendo in the leadup to the 2020 presidential election on November 2nd 2020 just before America headed to the polls Gaga gave a passionate speech at a rally in Pennsylvania a crucial swing state she urged voters to support Joe Biden making direct references to Donald Trump’s history of crude remarks vote like your life depends on it or vote like your children’s lives depend on it because they do and to all the women and all the men with daughters and sisters and mothers everybody no matter how you identify now is your chance to vote against Donald Trump a man who believes his Fame gives him the right to grab one of your daughters or sisters or mothers or wives by any part of their bodies vote for Joe he’s a good person thank you Gaga’s message was clear vote like your life depends on it or vote like your children’s lives depend on it because they do she further condemned Trump’s Infamous 2005 remarks where he boasted about his ability to grab women due to his Fame I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her you know automatic attracted the beautiful I just start kissing them it’s like a magnet just kiss I don’t even and when you’re a star they let you do it you can do anything whatever you want grab him by the I do anything Trump is now issuing a rare apology saying this was locker room banter a private conversation that took place many years ago Bill Clinton has said far worse to me on the golf course not even close I apologize if anyone was offended vote for Joe he’s a good person she implored the crowd emphasizing Biden’s character and decency Gaga’s relationship with Biden wasn’t new they had previously collaborated on the it’s on us campaign aimed at combating sexual assault on college [Music] campuses her song till it happens to you all happened to her at age 19 it is a crime that outrages Biden no means no as a senator in 1990 he introduced the violence against women’s act to fight the White House push called it’s on us wants to fight the fact that one in four women gets assaulted on campus Mr vice president after the event an exclusive interview Biden says we are making progress in the last 22 years violence against women has dropped 64% and more people are reporting but the one place it hasn’t changed is on college campuses and that means we got change the culture their Alliance was rooted in shared values and mutual respect this Bond was further solidified when Gaga performed the national anthem at Biden’s inauguration on January 20th [Music] 2021 a moment that symbolized A New Beginning for many Americans Donald Trump known for his fiery rhetoric did not take Gaga’s criticism lightly at his own rally in Pennsylvania Trump dismissed Gaga’s influence saying Lady Gaga is not too good I could tell you stories about Lady Gaga I know a lot of stories his remarks aimed to undermine her credibility and shift the focus away from her powerful endorsement of Biden now he’s got Lady Gaga Lady Gaga he not too good I could tell you plenty of St I could tell you stories about Lady Gaga I know a lot of stories about Lady Gaga Trump’s strategy of dismissing celebrity endorsements was not new during the same rally he also criticized other high-profile figures like John Bon Joy Jay-Z and Lebron James Trump’s comments on LeBron James were particularly pointed as he mocked the NBA stars participation in kneeling protests and claimed that it led to a decline in viewership for the NBA I didn’t watch one shot I got bored back forth back forth Trump said you know why when they don’t respect our country when they don’t respect our flag nobody wants to watch as the political climate remained charged misinformation spread like wildfire in July 2023 viral posts on platforms like Twitter and Instagram falsely claimed that Lady Gaga had endorsed Trump for the 2024 presidential race these posts featured a doctored image of Gaga standing behind a trump 2024 sign with a fabricated message supposedly from her truth Social account his freedom is being taken away and he can’t buy his way out of it and I am the only thing that he can attack you know some of his other cases what boxes of documents or inanimate objects I’m a real thing I’m a like something that he could direct their anger at um and I think that he’s he’s going to lash out and act like the toddler the former president aims to protect seniors by preserving Social Security and Medicare crack down on immigration cut taxes and reverse Biden’s foreign policy these themes are expected to resonate with his base and reinforce his leadership within the party polls show a mixed picture of Trump’s standing while he leads President Joe Biden in some surveys his conviction has dented his support polls indicate Biden pulling ahead or tying with Trump suggesting the conviction influen voter sentiment nonetheless Trump’s core supporters remain largely unaffected by his legal troubles Trump’s relationship with Johnson is pivotal Johnson who has supported Trump through thick and thin including during his first impeachment trial needs to balance the party’s legislative agenda with Trump’s personal battles the house gop’s slim majority adds to the complexity of delivering results that satisfy both Trump and the broader Republican base Trump’s return to Washington also featured a noteworthy encounter with Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell their first meeting since 20120 McConnell who has had a strained relationship with Trump reiterated his port for the GOP nominee but did not shy away from acknowledging their differences Trump’s visit aimed to solidify his influence over the GOP and set the stage for a potential second term with discussions s ented around tax cuts immigration policies and the Ukraine conflict Trump sought to present a cohesive plan for the future his meetings with lawmakers and Business Leaders including a session with the Business Roundtable underscored his commitment to economic growth and Regulatory roll back the broader implications of Trump’s legal battles and his efforts to Rally support among Republicans extend beyond his personal grievances they highlight a deepening Rift within the Republican party and a growing between upholding the rule of law and partisan loyalty As Trump seeks to position himself for a potential 2025 run his ability to navigate these challenges will be crucial As Trump rallies support within the Republican ranks the coming months will test the party’s unity and ability to navigate the contentious political landscape for now Trump remains a formidable Force determined to reclaim his position and reshape the nation’s future his efforts to overturn his conviction leverage his influence over key Republican figures and set a bold legislative agenda underscore the high stakes of his political comeback the interplay of legal battles political alliances and public opinion will shape the trajectory of Trump’s political career and the broader landscape of American politics their differences Trump’s visit aimed to solidify his influence over the GOP and set the stage for for a potential second term with discussions centered around tax cuts immigration policies and the Ukraine conflict Trump sought to present a cohesive plan for the future his meetings with lawmakers and Business Leaders including a session with the Business Roundtable underscored his commitment to economic growth and Regulatory roll back the broader implications of Trump’s legal battles and his efforts to Rally support among Republicans extend beyond his personal grievances they highlight a deep Rift within the Republican party and a growing tension between upholding the rule of law and partisan loyalty As Trump seeks to position himself for a potential 2025 run his ability to navigate these challenges will be crucial As Trump rallies support within the Republican ranks the coming months will test the party’s unity and ability to navigate the contentious political landscape for now Trump remains a formidable Force determined to reclaim his position and reshape the nation’s future his efforts to overturn his conviction leverage his influence over key Republican figures and set a bold legislative agenda underscore the high stakes of his political comeback the interplay of legal battles political alliances and public opinion will shape the trajectory of Trump’s political career and the broader landscape of American politics if you believe Donald Trump has been victimized please subscribe to Ted Cruz’s podcast right now what a snail and then we heard from magot Teresa himself he held a doozy of a press conference this morning at Trump Tower he took no questions at the press conference instead he rambled like the drunken best man at a wedding you know isn’t going to work this is uh a case where if they can do this to me they can do this to anyone uh do what your hair is that you should get your lawyers on whoever did that to you but in a way he’s right they can do this to anyone they can do this to anyone who cheats on his wife with a PO star and then falsifies business records to keep her quiet so he can win a presidential election congratulations you finally understand what you were charged with and then he shifted into complete nonsense mode they want to raise your taxes by four times they want to stop you from having cars that’s right it’s going to be like The Flintstones folks you you have to use your own feet to go Place confused Trump suffers memory laps while challenging Biden to cognitive test fact I think we should have and I’ve called it all presidents should have aptitude tests IQ tests or cognitive tests Dr Ronnie Jackson gave me one Ronnie I said well is it hard he said yeah it’s hard the last the last uh three quarters are pretty hard right the first question is easy I said well let’s do it Ronnie let’s do it did I Ace it I aced it he said I aced it DOC Ronnie from Texas

Trump GOES NUTS After Kim Kardashian Betrayed Him for Jimmy Kimmel

In the ever-turbulent world of Donald Trump, it seems no day is without its drama. The former president, who is no stranger to controversy, has once again found himself at the center of attention. This time, it’s a mix of his comments about reality TV stars, his youngest son, and former business associates that are stirring the pot. Let’s dive into the latest chapter of Trump’s whirlwind life, filled with unexpected betrayals, celebrity feuds, and courtroom dramas.

Donald Trump, known for his brash demeanor and unfiltered remarks, recently expressed his disappointment in reality TV star Kim Kardashian. The root of his frustration? Kim’s celebration of Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential victory. According to a report in the Washington Post, Kardashian’s simple act of posting three blue-heart emojis to celebrate Biden’s win felt like a betrayal to Trump.

#trump #kimkardashian #jimmykimmel

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  1. And yet trump has said since that he wants anyone caught with drugs would be put to death so its funny how he claims one thing but does another almost like hes a liar or something

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