Bienvenidos a este nuevo capítulo de película en este episodio especial hablaremos sobre la nueva versión de Los tres mosqueteros se trata de una nueva lectura de una de las historias más influyentes de la cultura occidental a través de una mirada contemporánea y una factura asombrosa repleta de escenas de enfrentamientos escenarios asombrosos y efectos de Avanzada en medio de un reino dividido por la guerra El joven darta viaja a París para convertirse en uno de los mosqueteros ahí conoce a Atos portos y aramí la Elite Guardia del Rey juntos cruzarán espadas y unirán su destino para exponer una conspiración del cardenal en contra de la corona importancia tiene también el personaje de mil lady de Winter interpretado por la carismática Eva Green el trailer es una buena muestra del alto nivel de producción de la película vemos locasiones asombrosas actores célebres haciéndose cargo de personajes imborrables muchos extras y el camino que emprende d’artagnan para convertirse en un héroe Los tres mosqueteros es una película ideal para Los Amantes del cine de aventuras y también para los admiradores de la inmortal obra de Alejandro dumas pudimos conversar de forma exclusiva con el director Martín burbon y la encantadora actriz Eva Green conocida por roles en películas tan conocidas como Dumbo de Tim barton como chica bon en casino Royal o como malvada en 300 el nacimiento de un imperio con ella hablamos sobre esta primera parte de la nueva adaptación de Los tres mosqueteros d’artagnan veamos qué nos dijo forw me llamo Charles d’artagnan desde que era un niño soñaba con ser un [Música] mosquetero d’artagnan eres el hijo de Aquiles Sí desde que tengo memoria he querido convertirme en mosquetero al unirte a los cadetes quizá un día seas mosquetero perdóneme Qué es todo me pides que le declare la guerra a los protestantes y a Inglaterra de p temeres de sabios su eminencia bingham y la reina podrán reunirse la reina prefiere deshonor a la guerra tendrá el deshonor un rey no tiene amigos solo súbditos y enemigos son siete contra tres creo que no me estás contando lo que he hecho y lo que haré es por la gloria de Francia si no les gusta mi paz preferirán mi [Música] guerra protejan a la reina mosqueteros su destino es [Música] morir iremos a lugar [Música] preciso Thank you very much for this interview Eva Welcome sorry my First question is what Was the B challeng ining this iconic I mean you know mady is such a kind of Like an iconic Uh character um so It was intimidating I have to say When this said you know before Reading the scripts It was like Oh my godady milady Uh so It’s really you know I I I thought It was terribly appealing When I read the scripts Because I think It’s um It’s a version of the character That We have not seen before and the First one in the First movie She is you know She’s a very manipulative character very Evil and then in the Second movie We Will Discover another side of her and We Will understand Why She’s behaving so Bad so It was so cool Because we we we have not seen this before so I was like oh yeah I want to do This You know and It was very exciting this movie has very good action sequences Yes Who was your training for them Uh the training um I mean we’ve got an Amazing stunt Team and the Direct really l the idea most of the time for action scenes to just do One Shot which is a big challenge and the guys really rehearsed and rehearsed And I think It pays Off when you see the movie like you in the action scenes You are with the characters You’re fighting with them um and It’s It’s the whole the whole movie Is Like this actually I feel like you get really into the the character’s Heart you Root for them And I feel It’s the beld and you care for these people What can people I think surprised as I said I think people Will identify with the characters Because they’re much more Complex than What we seen you know in the past and um There is yeah you know It’s more realistic Dark funny you know It’s It’s just extremely ep Which Do You Feel most identified I think um we people Will identify with All of the musketeers you know There is um you know d’artagnan there something quite na about him he all H you know Pure athos played by vcent is is Dark and his performance is really Amazing in this I find that there’s a lot of depth and wounds in him and It’s really beautiful performance um um portos is fun It’s you know He’s like he likes Life he likes Food he likes sex Uh and then you know is more of a Cat and more you know He’s um He’s Maybe more cerebral or I don’t know but there there’s facets and All of them that people can identify with I think at some Point do you justify well well well we’ll Discover her real sight in the Second movie Uh But You know yeah She’s she’s a wounded character You Know Something happ happened in her past that really damaged her And You Know It explains Why She She is driven so much you know She She just wants to you know constantly Take revenge and has a has an issue with That’s her yeah She’s very driven Can you invite The People of chile to see this New version Of The Three musketeers please um Yes I you know I I I hope you know You Will Enjoy this film which is you know magnificent Adventure Uh and there are All the elements in it that Will please everybody There is action tension Uh It’s kind of a Thriller son s contra tres creo que no me estás contando lo que he hecho y lo que haré es por la gloria de Francia si no les gusta mi paz preferirán mi [Música] guerra protejan a la reina mosqueteros su destino es morir iremos al lugar preciso [Música]

Los tres Mosqueteros llega a la nuevamente a la pantalla grande en esta magnifica adaptación francesa protagonizada por la carismática y bella EVA GREEN

Distribuye BF

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