Justin Bieber showed the middle finger just hours after Selena Gomez posted a strong message

Justin Bieber showed the middle finger just hours after Selena Gomez posted a strong message


  1. Justin is back into addictions. He is like a zombie just being lead around on a leash. He is so in another world when she is around. And you see him with Hailey he looks like he has been smoking. Cause his eyes are are red and half up and it's kinda like the way he can only be around her. When he is with his friends he is sober. Laughing and smiling and enjoying himself., He is HAPPY. Smiling. He looks like the old Justin. And then you see him with her and he's just doing what she says. She has something on him to control him like that .My opinion. He needs help and she is so self centered she don't care. Even making fun of him. It is not a healthy marriage. Sorry. De;De Kershaw


  3. Justin e Hailey são patético, nisso eles são iguais,o fato de Selena está namorando e postar seu namoro,eles se sentem afrontados,sendo q eles faziam isso no começo do casamento p atingir Selena!
    Agora Selena tem todo o direito de postar o q ela quiser,e eles não tem nada a vê com isso, são tão miseráveis q mesmo estando juntos , não conseguem seguir em frente!
    O casal Bieber continuam sendo obcecados por Selena,isso prova a falta de maturidade de ambos, vão ser paes e lhe faltam maturidade,se fossem tão felizes como fazem questão de mostrar,uma simples postagem da Selena, não iria irrita-los

  4. La Hailey y Justin Bieber se merecen el uno al otro: son egocéntricos, egoístas, inmaduros, huecos, insensibles, cobardes, miserables. 😐🙄🙄En cambio Selena y Benny son una pareja muy linda,genial, con los pies en la tierra, empáticos, amorosos, naturales, sencillos, talentosos, en fin, son una pareja que merece lo mejor de la vida y por muchos, muchos años!! ✨🥰✨✨🌈

  5. I wonder what Justin beaver both think when he gets that d. NA test done to find out of detect's Baby. And he finds out. It's not wonder. How is it gonna feel then so he needs to. Watch what he says. And does because he's gonna hurt Selina. He's gonna hurt everybody else that's around him and. He's gonna lash out because the fact is that's not his child. Do the math think about it

  6. Jaguar said he was in a bedroom way with odell to get in a gay bar he was too young to be in and didnt want kim anymore thats what resulted from flavor camp
    Selena knows

  7. Jaguar said he was in a bedroom way with odell to get in a gay bar he was too young to be in and didnt want kim anymore thats what resulted from flavor camp
    Selena knows Stephen B knows

  8. Hailey flipped the bird and looked at justin. Where i come from. When you flip the bird you look at the person your flipping off. Nice to know how hailey really feels about justin

  9. Benny was so cute doing her makeup tutorial. She is hot. Justin is faking those pics were staged or looked staged. Also they are grown people flipping people off is just childish and tacky and no class. Money can’t buy you class.

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