📾 TillenDove

Per the always incredibly reliable The Sun, the doberman is from Protection Dogs Worldwide, which specializes in family security dogs

Posted by stars_doulikedem


  1. Carolina_Blues on

    gotta be real honest, i don’t like this new haircut on tom. cute dog though

  2. perfectcell34 on

    Sheesh, I forgot dude is kinda yoked. Maybe getting ready for a new movie.

  3. Comfortable-Load-904 on

    That is a cute dog and they’ve seemed to have ramped their security since her issue with the stalker went public. Jfc I don’t think I would enjoy being famous at all as it is scary as hell and I be scared all the time, especially in public. It’s great to see he is also taking their other dog to train with the new puppy so they can get used to each other.

  4. To me, in the last pic Tom looks so much like Tobey Maguire as “Sam” in Brothers and I can’t unsee it lol

  5. pushin_on_my_buttons on

    If my grandma knew I named a dog after her she’d be offended and would assume I’m tryna call her a bitch

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