Posted by stars_doulikedem


  1. DisastrousWing1149 on

    I’ve found a lot of pop stans seem to hate the person they “stan”. I don’t know if it’s that they used to love them and no longer like them but have spent so much time on that person they don’t want to move on or if it’s because they spend so much time hating on their fave’s rivals that the hate has now moved on to the person they supposedly love or what

    They’ll say, “you should be able to be critical of your fave” which yes is partly true but if you are only critical why are you still paying attention to that person

  2. clemthearcher on

    That is so sad. Halsey really comes across as genuine and loving of her fans too, so she definitely doesn’t deserve hate from her own stans

  3. PlentyDrawer on

    She is right. I honestly do not understand fans in 2024. They say they “love” an artist, but spend all their time attacking the artist, their friends, family, and partners. There is nothing the celebrity can do that is right and irl the celebrity is winning every reward, has numerous successes movie or t.v. wise and if they are musicians have sold out concerts and great sales/streams. It makes zero sense.

  4. Potatoskins937492 on

    I mean, a lot of people are real garbage when they comment on celebrities, as if they aren’t people. If someone is a terrible person, fine, I’m not going to pull punches for Nicki Minaj, but if they’re just out there making art or living and someone chimes in with something awful it’s like… How does that serve you? What’s the point in that? Do you *really* want to be part of the bad energy out there? Bad begets bad and who wants to say they’re responsible for that?

  5. impeccabletim on

    I would not blame Halsey at all if she chooses to release the album and not do any fan activations for it. Her health is what’s most important rn so I fully support whatever she chooses to do.

  6. FearlessProfessor707 on

    There’s a specific parasocial relationship some fans have with their “fav” artist where they just want to be in control/feel like they own the artist and their work. They want everything to look and sound a specific way and when it doesn’t meet what they view the artist should be doing, they are downright awful. They can’t just go I don’t like this and not pay attention to it (and you know, *move on*).They have to yell about why they don’t like it.

    I also think there’s people that crave conflict and negativity. Because if you are always disliking something or someone, why do you keep coming back? Like with social media and streaming sites today, it is so easy to just avoid things.

  7. Necessary-Low9377 on

    Stanning is a symptom of serious underlying mental illness imo. I seriously think it should be classified as such.

  8. ThePennedKitten on

    Some of those people just want her to acknowledge them, which is batshit insane. They don’t. Are if they hurt her. I can’t believe people were mean to her. I loved Lucky! I loved that she shared that with us.

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