Posted by demimonde9


  1. ![gif](giphy|MpehdbMRPS6eA)

    The status is her ex is an abusive piece of shit

    Next question

  2. Tbh, I think they did that as respectfully as possible and whoever’s paying them for this cant complain they didn’t ask. The Thai food follow up was hilarious and awkward.

  3. FireFlower-Bass-7716 on

    Angelina is such a pro. So is this journalist, evidently. Very polite, took no for an answer. For all the journo knew, Angie might want to talk about it, to get a little something out there that she wants out there. It’s worth asking, especially as Angelina is known for not barring topics in interviews and for acting as her own publicist. And she said no and they moved on. PROS.

  4. ireallyhavenoideea on


    I can not emphasise how much I adore her


  5. I’m so psyched for the rest of her career with her ex husband being a footnote. I think her best work is yet to come.

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