Selena Gomez is all smiles, Justin Bieber posts a song about smiles & posts Hailey w/ a closed face

Selena Gomez is all smiles, Justin Bieber posts a song about smiles & posts Hailey w/ a closed face


  1. Hailey leave Selena alone. We who see the actual truth, know you are the one who has control of Justin's SM accounts. I just find it disgusting his blood family who claim to love him so much, do not come out of the hypocrite corner, and show Justin what his sick stalker wife is doing with him and Selena pictures. hailey has always been the problem. Why doesn't Justin's mom, dad and siblings or cousins make justin aware his wife is blocking female fans from account. Sad no one in Justin's family cares enough for him to tell him the truth. I would say friends but come on, Justin now has male and female friends serving Hailey and what she wants, even a few male friends she loli popped behind his back. Hailey is using her escort services and past to get what she needs from a few of Justin's male friends. and make sure they keep him busy and away from his accounts she alone has control of not Justin. It's that Yacht bunny past that taught her how to use men for her own self purposes.

    Selena did the Rose tatt with her friend CD they have the same tatt. Selena has twin tatts with friends she shared something positive with , It is public knowledge that SG has a great love for roses, she did for Sunflowers and daisys until the sick stalker tried to make that her thing.

    As to the song about smiles, justin could be referring to the stalker and liar he married.
    How the creep is Justin going to post and take a picture of himself sleeping and make sure the nite stand items are exposed. Hailey is going to do that, why is their a pathetic pic of Hailey not smiling. Of justin not smiling ? So Hailey can play games with Justin's fan's, and mind F the public. To target yet again Selena. Yet again his pathetic family and loli popped friends say nothing.

    Wake up people, this is all Hailey. Trying to rile up the public, and Selena fans. Selena fans be one step ahead of Hailey always. Hailey doing this now is to create drama, the drama she is by herself in. She wants attention. This has nothing to do with Selena or Justin. This is a very, very, very sick and pathetic woman who instead of enjoying the baby, is to busy watching and creating what drama she can for Selena. Selena's ex friends ( Hailey, Kendall, Kylie, and the others who used Sel to get too Justin ) why ? to break Selena and Benny up, to show justin if she tell's him she will destroy his name and career and brand, she will create drama for him using Selena. Other ex's of Justin are left alone because they will eat Hailey alive. The one just living her best life and not playing Hailey's game is Selena.

  2. Here is a FYI bit of gossip, That ring Selena has worn, but on other fingers, she got a few years back in Italy, there still might some pics of it on SM, she use to wear another thru the same jeweler, and people were accusing her years for being engaged, secretly married to a Italian friend of hers. Selena had purchased a few earrings, necklaces, and bracelets as well from the same designer. Then out of the blue Hailey Baldwin, and Justin pop up in the same city Selena is in, Hailey contacted the same Jewelry store where Selena had got some of her Jewelry from. Then Hailey called the Jeweler and offered to model some Jewelry for the. It was the exact same Jewelry Selena had purchased from the jeweler.For a very, very long time Selena wouldn't wear that jewelry, and she packed up everything and left Italy after learning what Hailey had done and that her and Justin were in Italy where she was.

  3. Stop the lies and one sided drama. This all a lie Hailey created with other ugly friends Kendall and Kylie and Justine. While Patti, Justin's dad his sisters and other family sit back like mutes letting Hailey destroy everything it cost Justin to build his fortune and music on. Hailey needs to leave Selena out of her BS and fake channels.

  4. Hailey morira siempre traicionada.nunca se debe meter una persona a la fuerza en un solo corazon ❤que representan justin y selena ellos asi no esten juntos son almas gemelas sorry hailey😢

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