Emma Thompson reads ‘We Will Be Jaguars’ a book from Nemonte Nenquimo and Mitch Anderson

“For us stories are living beings… they are always changing. That’s how we know that they are alive.”

Today, Nemonte Nenquimo’s brilliant and inspiring story comes to life as #WeWillBeJaguars , her memoir of life and resistance in the Ecuadorian #AmazonRainforest, co-authored with her partner Mitch Anderson.

At Amazon Frontlines , we are thrilled to announce the US publication of our co-founders’ powerful book with this excerpt from the introduction read by the amazing Emma Thompson.

We Will Be Jaguars (titled #WeWillNotBeSaved in the UK) shares a clear message with the world: we must unite to respect and protect the #AmazonRainforest, Indigenous autonomy and territorial defense. It’s now or never.

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