Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs Placed on Suicide Watch While Awaiting Trial But Mental State Unclear, Sources Say

Posted by cmaia1503


  1. Ya, if he’s anything like other high profile sex traffickers who get arrested, there’s a very high risk that he’ll suddenly get the urge to quickly kill himself the minute everyone’s back is turned and the cameras stop working.

    These things happen and there’s not much to be done to mitigate those risks, so no need for an investigation.

  2. Sorry but….not sorry. Being placed on suicide watch SCREAMS guilty to me, but that could just be me.

  3. Automatic_Goal_5563 on

    I know people go all conspiracy at the drop of a hat nowadays but I mean logically I get it, he has been accustomed to the life of being able to get anything he wants and do anything he wants regardless of the legality for decades. Now he’s looking at being in a cell till the day he dies, killing yourself instead of having to do that becomes a very real thought.

  4. Cry hard… from what I’ve read so far he should be kept alive for as long as possible in solitary confinement

  5. spacesaucesloth on

    i cant lie, i would probably fall on the floor if a photo of diddy in a turtle suit ever came out.

  6. People who love themselves as much as puffy loves puffy would NEVER kill themselves 🤷‍♀️

  7. He’s a narcissist who thrives on control and power. Currently, he has exactly none of those things. Furthermore, the law has him dead to rights with this shit, so this is basically the end of the road for this POS. Narcissists WILL commit suicide under certain conditions, two of which are A.) evade the consequences of their actions and thus maintain a feeling of control over their situation (You’ll never catch me now!), B.) Punish their enemies, victims, and those who they feel have let them down (Look what you made me do!), or C.) If they feel their life and sources of respect are irreparably compromised, they may elect to kill themselves out of a deep sense of embarrassment or humiliation caused by narcissistic injury.

    For a guy like Diddy, who went from feeling untouchable and all powerful, to a nobody who will die alone in prison, punching his own clock might make sense.

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