Journalist Olivia Nuzzi was suspended by New York Magazine for having an affair with RFK Jr while covering his campaign

Posted by champdo


  1. Man of all the ways to destroy your journalism career… him??? Fucking hell, would’ve been better to make up stories.

  2. Sleepy-Giraffe947 on


    Imagine ruining the career you worked your whole life for, for him???

  3. Well, his wife can use this to regain sympathy and have people forget she has supported this POS and was his mistress herself. IF she divorces him.

  4. ![gif](giphy|BcMJvmwkmbyWpKkBj3|downsized)

    Imagine ruining your reputation and compromising your professional integrity for a bear cub killing sociopath?! Girl…no.

  5. Judging by some nasty 2014 Obama twts and her Biden Takedown (and Trump fluffery) this is probably at least somewhat a reflection of her truest self?

    Hearing about his apparently epic past of having affairs, I wonder how much this will in any way shock Hines (prob not at all)

  6. She has seemed off lately, between the weird allegations she made about Biden’s aging and then her obsession with her recent Trump article and getting his portrait painted. And she seemed to love being part of the cooler-than-thou journalist crowd who hung out with the Red Scare people.

    Maybe this kind of thing is more common than we think, but still…RFK????? I’d understand if it was like…Obama. But RFK??????????

    She was going places. She had kind of a Maureen Dowd thing going (hated and loved for some of the same reasons). Although I always wondered about Dowd and GHWB.

  7. CheeseConeysPlease on

    I was surprised to see Olivia hanging around houseinhabit earlier this year ..kinda makes sense now

  8. she’s always seemed like a villain in a political drama tv show to me, like she’s playing the part of a cut throat journalist who will do whatever and say whatever get ahead. in a way that feels too trope-ish lmao. having an affair with RFK is jumping the shark tho

    I gasped when I saw this on Twitter and read it to my husband, he just said “who?” oh how I envy those without my level of brain rot

  9. workinfortheweekend on

    I’m guessing she must’ve had some kind of fascination with hooking up with a Kennedy?? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)

  10. Winter_Corner7254 on

    Girl risked it all for the brainworm roadkill necrophilia candidate. Truly a moment in journalism history. At least she fired off that article about the ear before this got out.

  11. oh my GOD I knew she was a Republican sympathizer but to sleep with him and ruin her journalistic career for it??? She can be on Fox News though now, which was maybe what she wanted all along

  12. theninjaofthenasty on

    Imagine all those exams, applying to jobs, moving cities, meeting new people, changing your life… just to ruin it fucking the brain worms guy. I hope her therapist is good.

  13. OK now THIS is good, SHOCKING gossip!

    She seems kinda sus – I remember her making nice with Trump during his term, earning her the nickname Olivia Nazi in some circles. RFK Jr is obviously a whale-beheading, bear cub-kidnapping, anti-vax psycho. Like he genuinely does seem to be brain damaged in some way. I’m dying to know how this happened.

  14. What the heck is in the water at New York magazine? First the financial writer that got scammed then the anonymous cat abuser and now this shit.

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