Halle Bailey tweets and deletes post about her family

Posted by galaxystars1


  1. Can someone explain what prompted this tweet, please? What have people been saying about her child?

  2. but it is weird the ddg is using their baby for content and i think that’s where a lot of the outrage is coming from. there’s a clip where he left the baby alone on a stream with like thousands of people on there. he literally always has a phone or camera shoved in that baby’s face

    same thing he did when halle was trying to keep her pregnancy lowkey and he kept baiting and trolling people that she was pregnant

  3. It’s just really interesting how they were so secretive about the baby during the pregnancy and the first few months, and now he’s EVERYWHERE. the switch up is really interesting to see

  4. Comfortable-Load-904 on


    Someone needs to tell Halle people are commenting on her family because DVD is constantly posting and exploiting her young child online. He was complaining publicly that TikTok doesn’t pay him enough money for videos of their baby and that’s why he constantly posts on Snapchat. People on Twitter and other social media platforms we’re pushing back on him using his infant son to make videos after initially they both claimed they wanted privacy and not to expose him to the public. I wish she should would have this conversation with him instead of trying to fight the internet, I’ve never seen one person say anything negative about her or the baby because majority of people were dragging DVD.

  5. Difficult-Shelter-88 on

    She decided to post pictures dressed as Whitney Houston while her partner dressed as her abuser Bobby Brown? I agree the child should be left out of it but her baby daddy sucks and she just continues to fan the flames

  6. i like halle but she’s a public figure. of course people are going to talk about your career and they will definitely talk about your child when halo is getting hundreds of millions of impressions across social media because his daddy loves to post him 24/7.

    if you don’t private your social media, reduce comments and/or stop reading what people are saying about you than maybe you just aren’t cut out for that social media influencing lifestyle and you should find a new job. because people are going to continue to talk despite what you say.

    regardless, i feel like we’re exhausted seeing celebrities bring attention to the harassment they face when they don’t do anything to limit it or stop it all together. you’re saying one thing, but your actions are saying something else….

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