In Zanzibar, The Duchess of Edinburgh observed the efforts of the Ministry of Health, Uniting to Combat NTDs, and Unlimit Health, to combat lymphatic filariasis

Posted by thoughtful_human


  1. thoughtful_human on

    Lymphatic filariasis (LF), also known as elephantiasis, is a neglected tropical disease. It is a mosquito-transmitted disease that is caused by parasitic worms and damages the human lymph system.

    The disease can cause severe and extensive swelling of the lower limbs, which can be accompanied by painful episodes of fever. People with lymphedema are prone to bacterial infections that can lead to a mobility-limiting condition where the skin thickens and hardens.

    During her time in Zanzibar, The Duchess attended a celebration event to mark the 12th billionth donation by the pharmaceutical organisation GSK of Albendazole treatment for lymphatic filariasis.

    Her Royal Highness gave a speech to attendees and congratulated Zanzibar on its trachoma efforts, before meeting local school children.

    Later, Her Royal Highness spoke to Mzowele Khamis Juma, who was diagnosed with LF in 2022 after developing lymphodema in her left leg. Since her diagnosis she has received treatment, which she says helps reduce the swelling of her leg.

  2. I love that Sophie does a lot of this kind of stuff. I just wish she got more attention because the causes she supports are really worthy of it.

  3. AffectionateGold5459 on

    It’s always nice to see her work. I know it doesn’t get a fraction of the attention, but she works hard and on important topics. It’s great to see from a group that can seem very frivolous.

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