At the September 23, 2024 premiere of ‘Grotesquerie’

Posted by stars_doulikedem


  1. starbies_barbie on

    I honestly can’t blame her for this response. It has got to get annoying at some point for people to continue to focus on your kid’s partner versus them and their own accomplishments. I’m sure she’s gotten this question 1000x over.

  2. Comfortable-Load-904 on

    Good on her, I’m sure she is happy for them and also doesn’t want to share their business with journalists. Also, she is there in support of her son and his accomplishments so maybe stick to that. Reporters need to stop asking everyone about Taylor, I’m sure even Taylor herself is sick of it and would appreciate them asking her friends about the projects they worked hard on and promoting instead of her. Reporters/publications know they will get clicks on a Taylor story so they will drag her name into every story however tenuous the connection is as they seem to have created a cottage industry based on Taylor related news stories.

  3. I think she’s said multiple times in the past that she’s not going to really answer any questions like this. So the generic non-answers is all she gives whenever she’s asked about Taylor

  4. sheisheretodestroyu on

    Ngl, if I was dating a guy for a year and his mom said this about me, my feelings would be HURT.

    And before people come at me, I’m not saying Donna Kelce’s in the wrong or a bad person or hates Taylor or any of that crap. Just that if I were in Taylor’s shoes, this would probably sting a bit.

    Edit: and I wouldn’t take it personally if my bf’s mom said “I don’t want to talk about that” or “I’d rather focus on my son tonight.” But “it’s still new, I don’t really have any profound thoughts” would definitely unsettle me a little bit

  5. I like her answer. All Kelces are kind of fame thirsty, but I do like that she kept it real. It’s her son’s busy girlfriend of one year, what is she expected to say? Even if there are a lot of things she likes about Taylor, she probably just doesn’t want to fully engage in the reporting hype.

  6. She’s Switzerland. 🙂 Her being neutral & noncommittal is probably the best PR take at this juncture, everything she states will be ripped apart & dissected.

  7. It’s not a great response, but it’s also not a terrible one. It sounds like something an overprotective mom might say.

    ETA: this does make me wonder how much quality time those two have actually spent together. Between Taylor’s hectic schedule and Travis’ schedule, I almost imagine not enough?

  8. Lavender_rain_2000 on

    In the past she was very complimentary to Taylor’s intelligence, stating how smart of a woman she is.

    But I hate how people picking on her and asking her about Taylor in an unrelated event and then analyzing her answers.

  9. This lady didn’t sign up for this type of invasiveness from the public. She obviously doesn’t have media training, but she shouldn’t have to have it. Leave her alone.

  10. Dinner_atMidnight on

    She could probably edit the “it’s new” bit from the canned response given it’s been a year but otherwise don’t blame her for keeping it simple.

    She’s probably sick of these questions and even if she isn’t let’s be honest I doubt they have deep and meaningful chats in those football lounges outside of cheering him on and saying how their week was

  11. I’m surprised to be the first comment mentioning the iron clad NDA she has likely signed? It makes sense to tip toe with vague nothings when you’ve signed non-disclosures about revealing personal specifics.

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