Stevie Nicks Wrote New Pro-Choice Anthem ‘The Lighthouse’ After Roe v. Wade Was Overturned: ‘I Find It Very Sad’

Posted by cmaia1503

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  1. > “I find it very sad, at 76 years old, I had to see Roe v. Wade taken away,” Nicks tells PEOPLE exclusively in an email interview. “Two years ago, when I realized the consequences of women’s rights that are vanishing, I watched a lot of news, and I was like a sponge — it just went into me.”

    > Now, she tells PEOPLE, “All the stories that we tell about the necessity for women’s healthcare and the necessity for a safe and legal abortion option for women is absolutely necessary.”

    > “It seemed like overnight, people were saying, ‘What can we, as a collective force, do about this…’ For me, it was to write a song,” she said in a statement. “I have often said to myself, ‘This may be the most important thing I ever do.’ To stand up for the women of the United States and their daughters and granddaughters — and the men that love them. This is an anthem.”

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