Shelley Duvall was “in good shape mentally” on final film set, motivated to reshape her legacy

Posted by cmaia1503

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  1. > “Mentally, she was in good shape: sharp as a tack and highly engaged with the filming process. Communication and conversation were easy, she was sweet and kind and upbeat. She even spoke about what a great time she’d had making The Shining! We kept in touch after the shoot – touching base on the progress of the movie, or talking about the weather, or sometimes she’d just call to ask when I’d be back to see her.”

    > Actor Mendez also said Duvall seemed to enjoy the experience. “Her face and smile just read ‘happy’. One of my mottos has always been to ‘surrender to the camera’ and Shelley nurtured that. We talked about every scene in detail, she made suggestions. I witnessed her plough through long hours and still stay on point. She kept me on my toes. We both loved every second of it.”

    > “For me personally, a significant motivator was to try to make sure that her legacy was not overshadowed by her exploitative portrayal on Dr Phil. She deeply regretted her participation in the programme,” he told the Guardian.

    > Duvall, he continued, “deserved better, and the fan support we witnessed in anticipation of her return to the screen was cheering. We wanted to offer her an opportunity to go out with dignity and I think the film serves as testament to her continued brilliance. It’s a tragedy she didn’t have more chance to show it.”

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