“When he was cast as Shazam, it was literally his dream,” recalls an insider who has known Levi for years. “He thought this was his ticket to being The Rock or Chris Evans. But it didn’t happen for him, and he’s bitter about that.” In fact, Levi doesn’t even live in L.A. anymore; he’s now ensconced in a cattle ranch in ruby-red Texas, from where he’s recently been focusing on faith-based projects, like 2021’s Christian-themed American Underdog and — arriving in February — The Unbreakable Boy, in which he’ll play the father of a child with brittle bone disease.

Posted by supermassive_bayern


  1. Zachary Levi, if he put in the work and the self-promotion instead of back-patting and expecting more, could have been. *Shazam* was a killer role, and gave him a ton of opportunity he threw away.

  2. So essentially he is mad that liberal Hollywood did not embrace him as a movie star and now he is moving to the right wing grift

  3. RedditUser123234 on

    Chris Evans and The Rock played characters that were supposed to be cool, while Shazam was a role that was intentionally supposed to be goofy, and would more point someone towards a John Cena/Chris Pratt casting archetype.

  4. “Didn’t happen to him” What an awesome use of the passive voice to avoid taking any responsibility for your own lack of success. I’m not much of a fan of Pratt and Dwayne Johnson but they work hard and haven’t made tons of enemies over the years. Look in a mirror, buddy.

  5. crystal_clear24 on

    Zachary Levi is a disgrace to comic book movie actors who are actually beautfiul and classy and he just doesn’t have the vernacular he thinks he possesses. Somebody lied to him several times and told him that he was fly, hot and sexy and beautiful and he’s nothing like that, he’s nothing of the sort.

  6. Alternative_Public36 on

    He has neither the acting talent of Evans nor the charisma of the rock. Dude was never going to make it.

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