John Carpenter Lays Into Trump and GOP: “This Return of Racism … It’s Horrible”

Posted by cmaia1503


  1. > “There’s so much of what we’ve turned into as a country that just makes me heartsick,” he continued. “This return of racism and xenophobia. Oh, God — that’s awful, awful stuff.

    > “I grew up in the South, and I know Jim Crow South really well. And I knew that never ended. I know that no matter what law you passed, in the hearts of many Southerners — not all, but many — those sentiments remain.

    > “But now it’s been brought back by Trump, I think. And it’s horrible. The world is just horrible,” Carpenter said.

  2. John Carpenter seems like such a cool guy. Apparently he’s now mostly just making music, watching basketball, and playing video games. Reading his quotes here, I can definitely hear the pain in his heart.

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